Hotelschool the Hague possessed 250 KG of pumpkins which were bought from Instock. This company is selling vegetables that are not meeting the retail standards, yet still fulfilling the quality standards. This way food is still used at restaurants and will not be wasted. However, unfortunately, all HTH outlets needed to be closed due to the new COVID-19 related regulations and safety measures. Yet, the pumpkins pumpkins were being given out for free, in exchange for recipes, pictures and stories that the food will be shared with neighbours, friends and family. In order to raise awareness on this matter, interviews were being held with Instock and the pumpkin farmer, to find out the root cause of the rejection, their current situation with regards to COVID-19 and to get . some more information on the initiative of Instock. Besides, research has been done on food waste, to put emphasis on this matter in our daily lives.
